A lot can happen in ten days.
And for many people, ten days can seem like a long time.
But, when you have waited over 450 days for one special day to come, ten days doesn't seem so long at all.
All the little details are coming together, and even things I didn't expect to come together somehow made their little debut and turned out quite perfect. Perfect for us.
God has blessed us in so many ways, ways that we don't even deserve because of our human filthiness. But He shows us grace and love, all of us, because He wants us to know how much we mean to Him.
I know that I am loved, and I know that I love. And in ten days, that love will become one with another.
There are those few moments in life.
Where you just know, everything is right and good and as it should be. At least in your world. Maybe not all over the world, but in your teeny little heart filled with emmense amounts of joy.
In 17 days, I will no longer be single.
I will no longer be Kimber Peart.
I will no longer have to wish that special someone could crawl into bed with me after a long day's work instead of falling asleep alone.
In 17 days, I will be a wife. A wife.
What exactly does that mean? Well, for me, it means a lot of things.
But mostly, it means that God had prepared me to be in the place in my life where I will be a companion and a helper for the rest of my life, while still serving Him with my heart and in return will be able to fully give myself to another.
I find no greater joy in my life at this point than knowing that. That I will be what God has so beautifully created me to be, in Him, and for Him.
And that my husband will be the same.
I will give you just one sneek peek of what's to come. In 17 days, many of you will see this in person.
It seems like I have so much to post about since the last time I was on here. Too bad that I am still trying to get caught up on getting the house arranged and in order before people start coming into town for the big day. That's right! Chas and I found a cute little house to rent, and it's just what we were hoping for. I am getting moved in, while still working on wedding projects and starting to meet with everyone for finalizing things for the week before and the day of the wedding. Lots of exciting things going on, it definitely does not feel like after waiting for over 15 months that it is just 25 days away. So crazy. But also so cool.I don't have any decent pictures of the inside of the house, since I am not quite finished putting everything together and we are most likely getting some upgrades in the kitchen and bedroom soon, but as soon as things are all set, you can see! Here is just one of the outside for now.
That's the front view, we also have a nice back yard and even a shed with an overhang and a swing (not that we have had time to use it yet, but maybe we can get one sitting in before the summer ends)
The weekends are pretty packed right now. Just lots of running around getting things to finish up final projects for the wedding, and Chas and his band have a couple shows this month to keep him busy too.
In fact, they just had a show out at Antelope Island last night. It was a great turn out and even though the performers were running late it totally worked out in their favor because it ended up being the best time to catch everyone there before dark and the balloon glow/fireworks. I had a great time, and didn't even get bit by one bug. That's a record for me.
Hopefully I can post a couple more times before the wedding, but I also know things are going to get pretty crazy the last couple of weeks before, so maybe it will end up being honeymoon pictures that you get to see next time I am on here.
Here's to soon being Mrs. Burks.