Monday, November 16, 2009

In the clear

I guess I better update the blog, since the last time I wrote I was waiting to get an MRI.
Well you know what they say, no news is probably good news. And it was in my case. I called the doc's office just to make sure, and everything came back normal.

So now, now what? I guess I am supposed to start experimenting with medications to see if any of them will help "prevent" migraines. Ha. Yeah, have you ever heard of the side effects of Topamax or Depacote? UHH, No thanks.

But, on a better note, the doctor did recommend a natural supplement that I can take everyday that has shown to be effective in migraine prevention. That, and cutting out even more foods from the diet.....sausage, anything with MSG in it. Well, I guess that explains why I have lost 5 pounds already this month. Eh.

The next two weeks will be full of school bliss, yes I just said those two words in the same sentence, thanks to both my professors canceling class this week, and Thanksgiving is next week! And after that, only one more meeting of class, and the semester is officially over for us.
December here I come.

Also, I have a question for Kaytee, if she is still reading my blog....
You lived in the heart of Seattle way more than I did. For Christmas, I don't want to get my family "things", I want to spend time with them by going places with them.
What would you say are the top 5 places (minus the spaceneedle), to take them while I am home for Christmas break?
Thanks in advance for the input!


AMY said...

both my grandpa and uncle get way bad headaches if they eat msg. i think it is also disguised as "natural flavoring" or something like that. i hope you can find out soon. - i have only been to seattle once and i liked the troll under the bridge

Yvonne [Tried and Tasty] said...

Wow Kimber... cutting more things out of your diet? What DO you eat!? I'm glad the news wasn't bad from the doc though, that's a blessing!

Claire said...

SO glad there was nothing, but I know how that must be frustrating too! I'm sorry I haven't been better at communicating- I'll reappear after 12/5! I'm praying for your head and that maybe this supplement will really help!

melissa oholendt said...

I'm so glad there was nothing on the MRI. But I also know it's almost MORE frustrating when you have no idea what is creating the crazy headaches. Hopefully the diet changes will help!

Love you!